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Children and care for their mouths are reimbursed from the basic health insurance up to the age of 18 without a deductible!
Tooth erosion is the dissolution of the outer layer of a tooth and/or molar by acids from food and drink (think of the notorious energy drinks) or acid from the stomach. The tooth surface can become soft as a result, causing tooth wear. The teeth and molars become thinner. When the first signs of tooth wear are visible, these are visible to the practitioner. If the tooth wear reaches an advanced stage, there is usually a change in the tooth and/or molar. This change is expressed by the teeth and/or molars becoming shorter, thinner and more transparent. If there is tooth erosion, this also means that your/your child is more vulnerable to stimuli such as hot, cold, sweet and sour food and/or drink, but also to getting cavities.
At Alles over de Mond we have various treatment methods to take care of tooth erosion. Having tooth erosion requires extra oral care. You need other oral hygiene products to take care of your mouth and we teach you the right techniques so that you know how to use these oral hygiene products to prevent sensitivity and/or cavities.
Did you know: that all these costs are fully reimbursed from the basic insurance. So you don't have to pay anything yourself.